Wednesday, October 3, 2012

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Purchaser Rating for The Dog Stars : Review score 4.3 of 5
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Price on October 3, 2012 : Too low to display
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Product Description

“Leave it to Peter Heller to imagine a postapocalyptic world that contains as much loveliness as it does devastation. His hero, Hig, flies a 1956 Cessna (his dog as copilot) around what was once Colorado, chasing all the same things we chase in these pre-annihilation days: love, friendship, the solace of the natural world, and the chance to perform some small kindness. The Dog Stars is a wholly compelling and deeply engaging debut.” —Pam Houston, author of Contents May Have Shifted
A riveting, powerful novel about a pilot living in a world filled with loss—and what he is willing to risk to rediscover, against all odds, connection, love, and grace.

Hig survived the flu that killed everyone he knows. His wife is gone, his friends are dead, he lives in the hangar of a small abandoned airport with his dog, his only neighbor a gun-toting misanthrope. In his 1956 Cessna, Hig flies the perimeter of the airfield or sneaks off to the mountains to fish and to pretend that things are the way they used to be. But when a random transmission somehow beams through his radio, the voice ignites a hope deep inside him that a better life—something like his old life—exists beyond the airport. Risking everything, he flies past his point of no return—not enough fuel to get him home—following the trail of the static-broken voice on the radio. But what he encounters and what he must face—in the people he meets, and in himself—is both better and worse than anything he could have hoped for.

Narrated by a man who is part warrior and part dreamer, a hunter with a great shot and a heart that refuses to harden, The Dog Stars is both savagely funny and achingly sad, a breathtaking story about what it means to be human. Review

Amazon Best Books of the Month, August 2012: Adventure writer Peter Heller’s The Dog Stars is a first novel set in Colorado after a superflu has culled most of humanity. A man named Hig lives in a former airport community—McMansions built along the edge of a runway—which he shares with his 1956 Cessna, his dog, and a slightly untrustworthy survivalist. He spends his days flying the perimeter, looking out for intruders and thinking about the things he’s lost—his deceased wife, the nearly extinct trout he loved to fish. When a distant beacon sparks in him the realization that something better might be out there, it’s only a matter of time before he goes searching. Poetic, thoughtful, transformative, this novel is a rare combination of the literary and highly readable.

Product Description

“Leave it to Peter Heller to imagine a postapocalyptic world that contains as much loveliness as it does devastation. His hero, Hig, flies a 1956 Cessna (his dog as copilot) around what was once Colorado, chasing all the same things we chase in these pre-annihilation days: love, friendship, the solace of the natural world, and the chance to perform some small kindness. The Dog Stars is a wholly compelling and deeply engaging debut.” —Pam Houston, author of Contents May Have Shifted
A riveting, powerful novel about a pilot living in a world filled with loss—and what he is willing to risk to rediscover, against all odds, connection, love, and grace.

Hig survived the flu that killed everyone he knows. His wife is gone, his friends are dead, he lives in the hangar of a small abandoned airport with his dog, his only neighbor a gun-toting misanthrope. In his 1956 Cessna, Hig flies the perimeter of the airfield or sneaks off to the mountains to fish and to pretend that things are the way they used to be. But when a random transmission somehow beams through his radio, the voice ignites a hope deep inside him that a better life—something like his old life—exists beyond the airport. Risking everything, he flies past his point of no return—not enough fuel to get him home—following the trail of the static-broken voice on the radio. But what he encounters and what he must face—in the people he meets, and in himself—is both better and worse than anything he could have hoped for.

Narrated by a man who is part warrior and part dreamer, a hunter with a great shot and a heart that refuses to harden, The Dog Stars is both savagely funny and achingly sad, a breathtaking story about what it means to be human.

Features of The Dog Stars

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    Customer Reviews
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    264 Reviews
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    113 of 118 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars "Is it possible to love so desperately that life is unbearable?", June 27, 2012
    Kiki (Birmingham, Alabama) - See all my reviews
    (VINE VOICE)   
    This review is from: The Dog Stars (Hardcover)
    Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program (What's this?)
    This novel was so lovely and poetic, a post apocalyptic story reminiscent of Cormac McCarthy's The Road, but a very different story at the same time. Hig, the narrator, is a man who has survived a flu pandemic, that has changed life in the United States as we know it completely, wiping out most of the population. Those who have survived seem to be subject to some kind of contagious auto-immune disorder of the blood as well, that has continued to decimate the population, and a certain amount of climate change has become noticeable as well.

    Hig is a very sad man, having lost his wife, but he appreciates the quietness of this new world. He is a gardener and a hunter, and has a strong relationship with the natural world around him, as well as his dog, Jasper, his little airplane (The Beast) and Bangley, his neighbor in their isolated outpost. Bangley loves guns, and does a great job of protecting them from the occasional marauders looking for, well, anything they can get their... Read more
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    74 of 79 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Once everything ends you are no more free., July 8, 2012
    Nicole Del Sesto (Northern Cal) - See all my reviews
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    This review is from: The Dog Stars (Hardcover)
    Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program (What's this?)
    This is the only thing I want to say about the story of this book. It is post-apocalyptic. If that appeals to you, don't hesitate. Beyond that, no need to even read the jacket copy; just let the book surprise you.

    There were three ways this book could have gone awry for me.

    1. First and most obviously - it is post apocalyptic fiction and I've read a TON of it. At this point, if you are going to tackle this topic, it had better be special. This was.

    2. The manner in which the story was told. It was definitely a non-traditional narrative which could have backfired, but it didn't. Instead, it gave the book intimacy.

    3. Writing style. This really could have been a issue for me, it's gotten to be a pet peeve of mine. Authors deliberately leaving out words as a style choice. Difficulty getting the hang. Missing words. Read it anyway. Could have ruined it. Writing like that drives me BATTY. But, it worked here for a couple reasons... Read more
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    42 of 46 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Optimistic Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, June 28, 2012
    J. Hauer "me" - See all my reviews
    (VINE VOICE)    (REAL NAME)   
    This review is from: The Dog Stars (Hardcover)
    Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program (What's this?)
    Wow - I absolutely loved "The Dog Stars". I usually cannot stand books with stream of consciousness writing as if you are in the character's head listening to strands of thought but I couldn't see this one being written any other way. You've got a pilot, a half-crazy (or maybe more) gun happy neighbor, and a dog looking out for one another after a killer flu/plague kills off 99% of the population. One day, when out for a reconnaissance flight, the pilot gets a return radio message. This sets off a chain of events which I didn't anticipate. Others have compared this to a happier version of "The Road". I see a few similarities but unlike McCarthy's book, this one will stay with me for a long time. There's much to think about and it's worth a re-read.
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    Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    cheap Black List to buy

    Are you looking for cheap Black List on sale, is selling Black List cheap and best offers for Black List.

    book for e-book reader:Black List

    Customer Review Rank : Review score 4.2 of 5
    List Price : $27.99
    Price : Too low to display on October 2, 2012 In stock.
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    book for e-book reader review

    Product Description

    A stunning masterwork of action, intrigue, and ingenious plot twists.

    #1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Thor returns with his most explosive thriller ever. Somewhere deep inside the United States government is a closely guarded list. Members of Congress never get to see it—only the President and a secret team of advisers. Once your name is on the list, it doesn’t come off . . . until you’re dead.

    Someone has just added counterterrorism operative Scot Harvath’s name.

    Somehow Harvath must evade the teams dispatched to kill him long enough to untangle who has targeted him and why they want him out of the way.

    Somewhere, someone, somehow can put all the pieces together. The only question is, will Harvath get to that person before the United States suffers the most withering terrorist attack ever conceived?

    An intense, page-turning novel that is action-packed and frighteningly real, Black List blurs the line between fiction and reality and once again reaffirms why Brad Thor “is arguably the best thriller writer of our time” (Suspense Magazine) and “America’s favorite author” (KTTX).

    Product Description

    A stunning masterwork of action, intrigue, and ingenious plot twists.

    #1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Thor returns with his most explosive thriller ever. Somewhere deep inside the United States government is a closely guarded list. Members of Congress never get to see it—only the President and a secret team of advisers. Once your name is on the list, it doesn’t come off . . . until you’re dead.

    Someone has just added counterterrorism operative Scot Harvath’s name.

    Somehow Harvath must evade the teams dispatched to kill him long enough to untangle who has targeted him and why they want him out of the way.

    Somewhere, someone, somehow can put all the pieces together. The only question is, will Harvath get to that person before the United States suffers the most withering terrorist attack ever conceived?

    An intense, page-turning novel that is action-packed and frighteningly real, Black List blurs the line between fiction and reality and once again reaffirms why Brad Thor “is arguably the best thriller writer of our time” (Suspense Magazine) and “America’s favorite author” (KTTX).

      book for e-book reader-Black List
      Customer Reviews
      Average Customer Review
      272 Reviews
      5 star:  (166)
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      2 star:  (11)
      1 star:  (20)

      126 of 149 people found the following review helpful
      5.0 out of 5 stars Absolutely SHOCKING--and utterly compelling., July 24, 2012
      Jeff Edwards "RadioJeff" (Twin Falls, Idaho) - See all my reviews
      (VINE VOICE)   
      This review is from: Black List: A Thriller (Hardcover)
      I'd like to begin by taking a moment to mention those who have taken the time to mess with the average reviews of this book who have yet to crack open a single page--whether it be real or virtual. When is amazon going to abolish these enormous jokes once and for all? The author has NOTHING to do (for the vast majority) with e-book pricing. And yet kindle owner after whining kindle owner cannot STOP themselves from bitching about the price of a book they haven't even read in a space DESIGNED to review the CONTENT of the novel they are complaining about.

      With that said, I DO feel that the pricing CAN be unfair--especially since the cost to just COPY an e-book is ridiculously low compared with actual printing. The pricing does seem excessive, but then again, so does gas, and yet we continue to pay it--and as long as people pay for it, the pricing won't be going down anytime soon. Gee, nobody is forcing these whining babies to BUY anything. So quit yer bitchin' okay... Read more
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      33 of 38 people found the following review helpful
      5.0 out of 5 stars MUST READ AUTHOR , CAN NOT STOP READING, July 24, 2012
      Craig C. Long "baddog" (CA USA) - See all my reviews
      (REAL NAME)   
      Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
      This review is from: Black List: A Thriller (Hardcover)
      I have been reading every book Brad Thor has publish, if you want a roller coaster ride that will not stop and make you think at every hair pin turn then read this book and like me I read "The Athena Project" and got hooked and started reading all the books from the beginning just to get ready for Full Black and Black LIST, This is a must read!!!!
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      32 of 40 people found the following review helpful
      5.0 out of 5 stars Big Brother is a bad sibling..., July 26, 2012
      Jason Frost "RubiconReader" (California) - See all my reviews
      (VINE VOICE)    (TOP 1000 REVIEWER)   
      This review is from: Black List: A Thriller (Hardcover)
      "All of the technology contained in this novel is based upon systems currently being deployed, or in the final stages of development, by the United States government and its partners."

      ... and thus begins `Black List' by Brad Thor. I have never read a book that started like the opening sentence and have it turn out bad. This book continues that streak... in spades. To say this story opens with a shocker would be an unforgiveable understatement, so I'll just say that you will NOT be prepared for what awaits. While I'm a huge fan of all of Brad's work, I haven't gotten that "special feeling" about one of his books since `The Last Patriot'. Now to be clear for the slow ones (IE: Kindle owners complaining about price), I have loved each and every one of Brad's books, but every author has one (or two) books in their repertoire that shines just a little bit brighter than the rest. Stephen King has `The Stand', Eric Jerome Dickey has `The Other Woman', Steve Alten has `Grim... Read more
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      Monday, October 1, 2012

      On sale The Trinity Game

      Product Description

      Daniel Byrne is an investigator for the Vatican’s secretive Office of the Devil’s Advocate—the department that scrutinizes miracle claims. Over ten years and 721 cases, not one miracle he tested has proved true. But case #722 is different; Daniel’s estranged uncle, a crooked TV evangelist, has started speaking in tongues—and accurately predicting the future. Daniel knows Reverend Tim Trinity is a con man. Could Trinity also be something more?

      The evangelist himself is baffled by his newfound power—and the violent reaction it provokes. After years of scams, he suddenly has the ability to predict everything from natural disasters to sports scores. Now the mob wants him dead for ruining their gambling business, and the Vatican wants him debunked as a false messiah. On the run from assassins, Trinity flees with Daniel’s help through the back roads of the Bible Belt to New Orleans, where Trinity plans to deliver a final prophecy so shattering his enemies will do anything to keep him silent. Review

      Michael Koryta reviews Sean Chercover’s new thriller The Trinity Game

      I'm always intrigued when a writer who has a good thing going suddenly jumps the rails into new territory. I appreciate the courage, or lunacy (or combination thereof), that it takes to make that leap. Sean Chercover had a hell of a good thing going with his series of Ray Dudgeon PI novels including Big City, Bad Blood and Trigger City, but he decided to wander out on the creative ledge. Boy, am I glad he did.

      The Trinity Game is the first in a trilogy about an investigator tasked with verifying miracles for the Vatican... Read the rest of this review at

      Product Description

      Daniel Byrne is an investigator for the Vatican’s secretive Office of the Devil’s Advocate—the department that scrutinizes miracle claims. Over ten years and 721 cases, not one miracle he tested has proved true. But case #722 is different; Daniel’s estranged uncle, a crooked TV evangelist, has started speaking in tongues—and accurately predicting the future. Daniel knows Reverend Tim Trinity is a con man. Could Trinity also be something more?

      The evangelist himself is baffled by his newfound power—and the violent reaction it provokes. After years of scams, he suddenly has the ability to predict everything from natural disasters to sports scores. Now the mob wants him dead for ruining their gambling business, and the Vatican wants him debunked as a false messiah. On the run from assassins, Trinity flees with Daniel’s help through the back roads of the Bible Belt to New Orleans, where Trinity plans to deliver a final prophecy so shattering his enemies will do anything to keep him silent.

      Are you looking for cheap The Trinity Game, is offer The Trinity Game cheap and best price for The Trinity Game.

      book for e-book reader:The Trinity Game

      Average Review Rank : Review score 3.8 of 5
      List Price : $9.99
      Price on October 1, 2012 : Too low to display
      Click here to check last price for The Trinity Game.
      review book for e-book reader

        Customer Reviews
        Average Customer Review
        224 Reviews
        5 star:  (73)
        4 star:  (75)
        3 star:  (49)
        2 star:  (16)
        1 star:  (11)

        129 of 136 people found the following review helpful
        5.0 out of 5 stars We have a winner...., July 2, 2012
        Quixote010 (columbus, ohio) - See all my reviews
        (VINE VOICE)   
        This review is from: The Trinity Game (Paperback)
        Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program (What's this?)
        Usually when a fiction book is nearly 450 pages, I expect to discover that the author simply wanted to see himself/herself write and they probably could have left out 50-75 pages without affecting the outcome of the book. My bad.........

        Sean Chercover has written an interesting and fast-paced thriller that fills all 450 pages quite well.

        Daniel Byrne is a Catholic priest assigned to the Vatican's Office of the Devil's Advocate (ODA), a department designed to debunk or verify so-called miracles which occur worldwide. Obviously the Vatican has a vested interest in ascertaining the integrity of miracles which occur on behalf of, or in violation of, the Church and its doctrine.

        Byrne is ultimately assigned to investigate his evangelist uncle, Tim Trinity, at the behest of the ODA. Trinty, a southern tent preacher, has become a true "prophet" in the sense that he suddenly has the ability to accurately predict events ranging from the winner of sporting... Read more
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        138 of 149 people found the following review helpful
        3.0 out of 5 stars An Entertaining Thriller, July 22, 2012
        Richard Gazala (Vienna, VA USA) - See all my reviews
        (VINE VOICE)    (REAL NAME)   
        This review is from: The Trinity Game (Paperback)
        Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program (What's this?)
        Tragically orphaned at childbirth and raised by his tent-show revivalist grifter uncle Tim Trinity, as a very young man Daniel Byrne forgoes a promising boxing career and an alluring woman for the priesthood. Eventually Byrne earns a senior position in the Vatican's Office of the Devil's Advocate, the Church's bureau tasked with investigating and debunking claims of divinely-inspired miracles around the world. Years after turning his back on Trinity and his religious scams, the Vatican dispatches Byrne to America to assess, and disprove, Trinity's newfound abilities to accurately predict future events while speaking in bizarre tongues during his internationally televised sermons. Trinity's ardent followers are convinced God has selected the old grifter as His latest earthly loudspeaker. Elements both official and clandestine in the Vatican believe otherwise, as does Byrne. Byrne travels to Atlanta to confront his uncle, only to find that perhaps Trinity's recent gift might indeed have... Read more
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        53 of 57 people found the following review helpful
        4.0 out of 5 stars A delerious page-turner, July 20, 2012
        Ludix (Upton, MA United States) - See all my reviews
        (VINE VOICE)   
        This review is from: The Trinity Game (Paperback)
        Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program (What's this?)
        Looking for an fun beach book? Can't get enough of Vatican conspiracy thrillers? Sean Chercover has you ... Chercovered! (Sorry.)

        THE TRINITY GAME is like Dan Brown meets IT'S A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD. By the time the first few chapters are past, the whirlwind plot manages to drag in the Vatican, the FBI, TWO worldwide secret societies, the Vegas mob, Third World politics, Hurricane Katrina, a hot long-lost journalist girlfriend, private hired assassins ... you get the idea.

        Everything moves at breakneck speed. The characters are sketched with brevity and effectiveness, and the occasional silly bits flash by so fast they barely register.

        I actually had a hard time putting this down, despite its 400+ page length.

        If you want a brisk summer read, it's hard to go wrong here.

        The last chapter strongly hints at further novels with these characters. Sounds like fun to me.
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